

We are more than consumers.
We are creators.
We belong to each other.

Photograph by Padraic O’Meara

I’m Julianna Bright

…a rhythm keeper

I began playing the drums in punk bands in the early ‘90s in the Bay Area. The drums were my great champions and a gateway for me out of the almost disabling shyness that afflicted most of my childhood and teen years. The drums were generous to me and on the nights I surrendered myself to them fully, redemptive. To play the drums—to discover I was naturally good and become better through practice—was a slow, but persistent infusion of vitality to silenced parts of myself. 

…a singer

I lost my singing voice as a child, but I was able to recover it behind the generous protection of my drum kit. I believe the frequency of my own voice healed me—from soul-loss, from bodily illness—and that its vibration has been my perfect medicine. As I found my way back to my voice, singing and song-writing became one of my greatest sources of self-recovery. I believe in the power of singing to heal and liberate (and not merely because of all the cool science linking it with neuroplasticity and improved vagal tone). But because the slow return of my singing voice saved my life. 

…a song scribe & channel

I write songs, in that I put lyrics to music. But it’s more accurate to say the songs write me. They come, sometimes close to fully formed, sometimes with just a few words or a melody that nettles like sand in an oyster. As in the recovery of my dreams, my songs are a place where my unconscious becomes conscious. Sometimes it’s years before I understand what a particular song is up to. But I am always generously led deeper into my true Self.

…an artist.

I make art—mostly works on paper, sometimes on wood—with gouache, watercolor and graphite. Ecstatic flora, tutelary deities, dreamscapes. I’ve always been romanced by the whimsy and humility of folk art, of unpretentious human hands making sense of their world through pictures, carvings, quilts or sculptures. I love the longing in us that seeks to know this gorgeous world through acts of imaginative invention. I love making things.

In giving myself to this work, a unique offering has emerged.

It’s true what they say. As we heal—as we recover more and more of our true nature—sharing that healing in some way becomes irresistible. Starting in 2017, I found myself called into a roll I’ve come to recognize as Creative Coach & Spiritual Midwife. At first, I coached and sang for a coterie of friends. And then, that circle began to widen. Now, I work with a growing body of creatives, professionals, therapists and other healers in the sacred art of recovering our true nature through connecting to the intelligence of the body and the wisdom of the living earth. With my loving encouragement, intrepid souls who seek my care peel back the beautiful and complicated layers of incarnation’s story to uncover the essential wholeness that was theirs all along.